Native American Concerns Committee (NACC) of Presbyterian Women of Synod of Lakes and Prairies (SLAP) is collecting money to establish scholarships for Native Americans.
Native Americans are the one minority who have less access to scholarships to attend post secondary education. Following the book read on “The Girl in the Photography” by Sen. Byron L. Dorgan and through recommendations in the book to provide scholarships; the NACC felt this was one way to partner with Native American Community Colleges in SD. We are hoping by fall 2021 we will be able to provide at least 1 scholarship and expand from there.
SLAP NACC continues to connect groups/churches/PWs with Native American groups/churches/PWs to help meet the needs of Dakota Presbytery Native Americans.
If interested in donating money for scholarships, please send to SLAP PW Treasurer, Terri Sherman, 12244 N. 84th Street Lincoln, NE 68517. In memo line please write NA Young Adult Scholarships so money is directed to the correct account.