A community of 60 churches serving South Dakota
The Presbytery of South Dakota exists to establish, equip and encourage congregations to do the work of Jesus Christ. Our mission as faithful stewards is to worship, study, witness, and serve so that the world may know and respond to God’s reconciling love in Jesus Christ.
Photo by Lindsay Palmer
About the Presbytery of South Dakota
As Presbyterians ministering throughout the great state of South Dakota we have a legacy of reflecting God’s passion and love for God’s people and are rooted through service and the sharing of God’s light in every context we may find ourselves, and it is by God’s Spirit alone that we are able to go, do, and serve.
Each congregation within the Presbytery of South Dakota strives to model our lives after Christ, who came to serve, not to be served. Indeed we are practical people, motivated to serve with both our hearts and our hands, living in humility and boldness to serve our communities. Whether it’s stewarding the land or serving our communities’ practical needs, we are the hands and feet of God’s body. Through compassionate and authentic relationships we provide connection and seek to be the source of inspiration and hope within each of the 55 communities we serve throughout the beautiful state of South Dakota.
For more information about the Presbytery of South Dakota and the ways that we support and encourage our congregations please read our newsletter and explore other areas of our website. We are here to serve congregations, pastors, ruling elders, leaders and call seekers. We are The Presbytery of South Dakota.
New Worshiping Communities
Seeking to reach those who have not been reached by the broader church.
Where the ministry begins.
Camping and Retreats
Providing unique spaces and opportunities for faith formation.
Ministry Teams
Dedicated to supporting and empowering our churches toward innovation
Presbyterian Women
An inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church, (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
Our Staff
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