Pastors’ and CRE Retreat 2019


Theme: Emotional Intelligence in Ministry

Dates: Sept 23-25, 2019

Location: Swan Lake/Still Waters Retreat Center
45474 288th Street, Viborg, SD 57070  

Why attend? 

How you manage your emotions and relate to others has major implications for your role as a leader! This workshop will equip you to examine your own leadership style through the lens of emotional intelligence on four key dimensions: authenticity, coaching, insights, and innovation. Ahead of the workshop, you’ll take a top-of-the-line emotional intelligence inventory, the EQi Leadership, and receive your confidential results at the workshop. The inventory only takes about 30 to 40 minutes to complete. Although we present the feedback in a group setting (i.e., describing the different subscales), each participant will only see their own results. Nobody else will see their individual results.


In addition to having time to grow in your understanding of emotional intelligence, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with your peers for support and development in your ministry.. 


Rev. Dr. Mark Sundby has a lot of great experience! He’s served as a consultant, teacher, and counselor in the field of psychology for over 20 years. He specializes in personality and leadership assessment in ministry with an emphasis on health and wholeness, leadership development, and conflict skills training.  


We strongly encourage every pastor and CRE to please consider attending this retreat and completing the EQi. The cost of the retreat is only $50 to help with food and housing costs. The cost of the EQi is entirely covered by the grant we received from the denomination, so please use this unique opportunity to learn more about yourself and how it can help in each of our ministries.

Register here for the retreat. For more information, contact Carolyn Visser ( or Kevin Veldhuisen (