Veldhuisen Taking Study Leave

Veldhuisen Taking Study Leave

Notice of Study Leave The Presbytery’s Personnel Team, and with the support of Administration and Coordination, Kevin Veldhuisen has been granted a 3 month study leave which will begin March 5 and run through May 31.  During this time he will not be accessible in...
Church Development Grants

Church Development Grants

Grants for New Ministries Within Your Congregation The Church Development Fund has been established by the Presbytery of South Dakota to expand congregational ministry by supporting innovative ministry initiatives at the congregational level. The use of these funds...
Becoming the Voice of Yes

Becoming the Voice of Yes

By Kevin Velduisen  As clerks of session you may often be forced into the role as “gate keeper”, but that goes against the historical role of clerk.  The primary role of a clerk is to record a congregation’s history, not to dictate its future.  For...
Winter Weather: Are You Prepared?

Winter Weather: Are You Prepared?

Let’s Get Ready for Winter Weather Parts of the Nation are already experiencing some winter-like weather and realizing winter will be here soon. Before the winter season arrives, get ready with some tips to prepare for extreme cold, snow, and ice. Share these tips...