Support for Camping
We are deeply proud to provide a meaningful and life-changing ministry opportunity for youth and adults across the Presbytery of South Dakota through our programs at Camp Rimrock near Rapid City. We truly do love the camping and retreating ministry of the Presbytery of South Dakota and we hope that your congregation loves it, too!
Every outdoor ministry, regardless of size and numbers, needs a broad base of direct support from congregations like yours, as well as individuals throughout our presbytery to sustain our camping program. Over the years we have largely supported our outdoor ministries through the annual presbytery budget, additional financial support for $25,000 – $50,000 annually provided by presbytery reserve funds, and from generous gifts from congregations and individuals throughout the presbytery. Our ministry heavily relies on these contributions from individuals and churches and we are grateful for each and every dollar received. In fact, we are asking your congregation and individuals to prayerfully consider a designated annual gift to help us continue providing these ministries and hopefully help them grow!
As you consider your individual gifts to ministries and organizations: could you give a gift on a monthly basis in support of our camping program? Any additional gifts committed will be a gauge for the Commission on Camping and Faith Formation and the Presbytery’s Administration and Coordination ministry team to continue to discern how we offer a camping and retreating ministry in our presbytery, and to what extent we are able to offer it, so if you or your congregation can provide more then please prayerfully consider that option! Your choice to financially support this ministry, and at what level you commit, will be your way of voicing your desire to partner with us and guide future decisions relative to our properties and the ministries provided.
Please remember that any gifts from individuals can be paid through our Matching Gifts Campaign and have the first $500 matched by the Presbytery!
Thank you for joining with us in our mission of providing a unique space and opportunities for all people to connect with God, self and others. We look forward to seeing the ways God works through our Presbytery!
In Christ,
Commission on Camping and Faith Formation and Administration and Coordination Ministry Team