United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
Judy Rops has been selected to attend the Presbyterian Women (PW) delegation to the 64th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) March 9-20, 2020, at the United Nations in New York City.
The U.N. CSW was established in 1946 as a mechanism to promote, report on and monitor issues relating to the political, economic, civil, social and educational rights of women.
The meeting in 2020 will mark the 25th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 1995. The Platform imagines a world where each woman and girl can exercise her freedoms and choices, and realize all her rights, such as to live free from violence, to go to school, to participate in decisions and to earn equal pay for equal work. Since 1995, governments, civil society and the public have translated the Platform for Action’s promises into concrete changes in individual countries which have ushered enormous improvement in women’s lives.
Participation in the CSW provides a unique opportunity to advocate as people of faith with this global policy-making body where representatives of U.N. Member States gather to “evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate concrete policies to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide.”
Presbyterian Women achieved Non-Governmental Organization status, as accredited by the U.N., after a lengthy process. It was actually eight years in the making from the time the group learned it could apply for that status until its acceptance in 2019.
Rops applied online earlier this fall never imagining she would be selected.
“This is a rare and wonderful opportunity,” said Rops. “I have been told that no one from South Dakota has ever attended. I am truly humbled and honored to represent my church (FPC Sioux Falls), my local PW, my Presbytery and my Synod. I look forward to sharing my experiences in the future.”
Thousands of women from around the world are expected to attend this event.
Rops is personally responsible for all expenses for this trip.
“The registration in not expensive,” Rops said, “But I will need to pay for my travel and hotel (ouch). But I am determined to find a way. Please pray for me as I prepare for this unbelievable journey.”
Financial support would be greatly appreciated. Donations may be sent to Judy Rops at 28279 465th Ave., Lennox, SD 57039.