Introducing Your New POSD Communicator
The POSD recently hired me to fill the Communicator position. My name is Louise Van Poll and, among other things, I will be the editor of New Song.
I am a member of First Presbyterian in Huron, where I am active as an elder and am currently enrolled in CRE training.
I am active in PW, both in my local church and at the presbytery level serving as the Communicator, making me the editor of Prairie Wind also. I am a PDA certified Disaster Preparedness Trainer. I am available to visit your congregation to help you become better prepared to cope with a disaster.
I was employed as a reporter for my local newspaper for ten years and spent eight years as the editor of a newsletter for a national nonprofit organization.
I look forward to hearing news from around the state and sharing the good, the sad and the wonderful with all our members. I am thankful for this new opportunity to serve and I know I will enjoy this position.